Immediate assertions vs if statement

Immediate assertions are similar to if statements, in that case why were immediate assertions created in system verilog?
Can immediate assertions use clocking reference ?

In reply to Chakrakirthi:

An immediate assertion is much more powerful in an overall coverage metric driven closure methodology. You can easily collect coverage for any assertion passing or failing, and link that information back to a test plan to know how much your testing has covered.

Also, assertion are easy to control (i.e. turn off) from a global perspective for situations where the error can be waived.

And immediate assertion can only contain a Boolean expression. Do not confuse it with a concurrent assertion embedded in procedural code (slightly different syntax).

In reply to Chakrakirthi:
The simple immediate assertion statement is a test of an expression performed when the statement is executed in the procedural code. The expression is non-temporal and is interpreted the same way as an expression in the condition of a procedural if statement. That is, if the expression evaluates to X, Z or 0, then it is interpreted as being false and the assertion fails. Otherwise, the expression is interpreted as true and the assertion passes. Typically, the conditions that cause the assertion directive to be tested are within the SystemVerilog block. The immediate assertion statements can be specified anywhere a procedural statement is allowed to be specified; this includes always, always_ff, always_comb, always_latch, initial, final. They can also be specified in functions and tasks, in modules, checkers, programs, and classes. The simple immediate assertion statement can be one of the following:

  1. assert to specify that the expression holds for the design
  2. assume to specify the expression is an assumption for the environment
  3. cover to monitor the expression evaluation for coverage

They were created because they provide notification by the tools in the case of errors or cover, and are also used by formal verification (even without the action block).


PACKET_TYPE_e pkt_cfg;
  always @(posedge clk) begin : aly1
    if (sop && pkt_size == 'h8000) // start_of_packet
       a_plklen : assert (pkt_cfg==CFG_NO_JUMBO_PKTS && pkt_len < 9576) else
         $error ("detected a jumbo pkt while current configuration prevents that");
// …code
  end : aly1

Ben Cohen
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Thank you, both the answers were helpful