Constraint to make signal for known clock cycles

How to write constraint for a given scenario?

signal should be high for 10 clock cycles then that signal should be low for remaining cycles.

In reply to v_govardhan:

Your question needs more detail. Is this constraint for checking the signal or generating the signal? When does the 1st of 10 clock cycles start?

In reply to v_govardhan:

How to write constraint for a given scenario?
signal should be high for 10 clock cycles then that signal should be low for remaining cycles.

Does it have to be a constraint?
Can you do something like:

class c; 
  virtual interface counter_if.drvr_if_mp vif;

  task automatic t10 (bit a, clk);
    repeat(10) @(posedge clk) a = 1'b1;
    forever @(posedge clk) a = 1'b0;

  task automatic t10_interface ();
    repeat(10) @(this.vif.driver_cb) this.vif.driver_cb.a <= 1'b1;   
    forever    @(this.vif.driver_cb) this.vif.driver_cb.a <= 1'b1;

module m; 
  bit a, clk; 
  initial begin 
    repeat(10) @(posedge clk) a <= 1'b1;
    forever @(posedge clk) a <= 1'b0;

Ben Cohen
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Thank you for your response
I actually want to write constraint.
I have a variable called “enable”. I need to randomize this variable for 10 times.
I want to write constraint like enable should be high for only 10 times then it should be low.
can you help to write constraint for this?

In reply to v_govardhan:

What you are asking is not random at all. It can be dealt with in pre_randomize without any constraints.

class A;
  bit enable = 1;
  int counter = 10;
  function void pre_randomize();
    enable = --counter > 0;