When jumping from post_main_phase to configure_phase, the run_phase is not executed again

when jumping from post_main_phase to configure_phase, the run_phase is not executed again
but when jumping from post_main_phase to pre_main_phase, the run_phase is still executing. Seems a little strange.
Is there debug method to print some information ?

BTW. All objections have been finished before post_main_phase. That’s the reason I pick up post_main_phase as the jump point. I also tried post_shutdown_phase as the jump start point, same result.

In reply to sages:

There is a switch +UVM_PHASE_TRACE you can add to debug the UVM phases.

The run_phase is a global task phase, and all the other ones you mention run concurrently to that.We recommend using the run_phase only and instead control your test through the use of sequences.