Virtual sequence error

I am getting a error for virtual sequence
could you help me on this

virtual sequence and sequencer(METHOD_2) - EDA Playground


In reply to Remo:

I find that if you try the other simulators, you may get a better (or worse) description of your errors.

In this case, I get:

ERROR VCP5235 “Class sequencer_1 has no parameters.” “” 436 34
ERROR VCP5235 “Class sequencer_2 has no parameters.” “” 437 34
ERROR VCP5235 “Class sequencer_1 has no parameters.” “” 454 33
ERROR VCP5235 “Class sequencer_2 has no parameters.” “” 455 33

You are adding parameters to sequencer_1 and sequencer_2 which are not parameterized classes.

In reply to Remo:

Your sequencers are not parameterized:

 /// Target Sequencers Handle
  sequencer_1 #(sequence_item_1)  seqr_1;
  sequencer_2 #(sequence_item_2)  seqr_2;

should be
/// Target Sequencers Handle

  sequencer_1  seqr_1;
  sequencer_2  seqr_2;

In reply to Remo:

Can you describe your error. I made some changes based on your code. Right now, it compiled without error and had the traffic.
Please diff 2 versions to see the differences:

In reply to chris_le:

There are more weaknesses in your code.
The declaration of variables has to be at the beginning of your code. See line 486 has to be after the decalarion of your sequences.
m_sequencer does not exist;

All components have 2 arguments (name, parent).

In reply to chr_sue:

Maybe you are right. I tried to clean the compilation and simulation errors from his code. I haven’t reviewed his code completely. So, he should take your advice and change his code correctly.

In reply to chris_le:

yeah! thank you for your suggestions and advises.
it working fine now after some modifications.