
Hi All,

Can any one please give the detailed explanation of the uvm_analysis_export.
With the existing information of the forum i am not able to get the detailed picture.
It would be good if you explain with the example.

Thanks & Regards,
Shriramvaraprasad B.

In reply to SHRI12326:

Read the following link

In reply to chr_sue:

Hi chr_sue,

i gone through the provided link. still i am not clear with the concept.
If possible provide some more information.

Thanks & Regards,
Shriramvaraprasad B.

In reply to SHRI12326:

Most concepts of UVM cannot be explained in a few lines of text here. I’d recommend take a UVM course.
You might find some additional information here

In reply to SHRI12326:

Check out the Advanced UVM video course, particularly the “How TLM Works” section.

In reply to SHRI12326:

In reply to tfitz:

Thank you tfitz. This session helped me lot to understand the TLM concepts.

In reply to dave_59:

Thank you dave