UVM do_compare method

I have questions on UVM compare options. Here are my requirements:

  1. Basic seq_item has many packet fields.
class my_seq_item extends uvm_sequence_item   
   rand bit [7:0] da;
   rand bit [7:0] sa;
   rand bit pkt_type;
   rand bit [7:0] da_west;
   rand bit [7:0] da_east;
   rand bit [3:0] ctrl;
   rand bit [3:0] source_id;
  1. Based on pkt_type, the other fields of the packet are different.
    We have do_pack method for that.

  2. I want to use object comparing in scoreboard comparator.
    I have mentioned UVM_NOCOMPARE in utility/macros field(in my_seq_item) for all the fields.
    I have customized do_compare method(in my_seq_item) as below(not the actual code):

virtual function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
       mm_seq_item mm_pkt;
       bit  is_header_ok;
        if (!$cast(mm_pkt, rhs))
         `uvm_error (get_name(), "Casting failed")
        case (pkt_type) 

           0: begin
              is_header_ok == (super.do_compare(mm_pkt, comparer) &&
              pkt_type   == mm_pkt.pkt_type && 
              da_west   == mm_pkt.da_west &&
              da_east   == mm_pkt.da_east &&
              ctrl      == mm_pkt.ctrl&&
              source_id == mm_pkt.source_id
	      ) ;                    
           1: begin
              is_header_ok == (super.do_compare(mm_pkt, comparer) &&
              pkt_type   == mm_pkt.pkt_type && 
              da   == mm_pkt.da &&
              sa   == mm_pkt.sa &&
              ctrl == mm_pkt.ctrl&&
              source_id == mm_pkt.source_id
	      ) ;     
        return (is_header_ok);  

is_header_ok is set if all the required fields match. If not, it indicates some fields are not matching. How do I print those fields effectively?
The above example is a sample. My actual code has around 10 pkt_type and each may have around 12-15 fields.

Can we use something like :

comparer.compare_field_int("Compare DA", da, mm_pkt.da, 8);
``` verilog

Will it print if I have set comparer severity, verbosity variables?
Or do i have to print manually. In that case, manual comparison/print is easier?
Any effective method?