Transaction streaming parent-child relations


I was wondering lately about an issue with the transaction streaming topic.
I have used streaming with great success in many ways – managers and other technical staff loves these items on the waveform – but now I have ran into an issue that I cannot solve.

My goal would be to create an example stream design of a FSM, that delegates child transactions with some information (state name, waiting time, condition) to a parent transaction what’s lifetime is dependent on the FSM’s states. (Starting from phase1 over phase6 for example.) In this way, the working of the FSM would be easily visualized and I would need less text to explain of its details.

Here is some example code. I used the example project for an easier approach – full basic environment at hand – hence the jelly bean names. :)

/* Waiting for the FSM to start up */
seq_item_port.get_next_item( jb_tx ); 
tr_handle_tx = begin_tr(.tr(jb_tx), .stream_name("jb_driver"), .label("jb_driver_stream"), .desc("parent"));

/* Child transaction creation - 1 */
jb_ctx = jelly_bean_child_transaction::type_id::create(.name("jb_ctx"));
tr_handle_ctx = begin_child_tr(.tr(jb_ctx), .parent_handle(jb_tx.get_tr_handle()), .stream_name("dr_ctx"), .label("dr_ctx_stream"), .desc("child"));

/* Child transaction creation - 2 */

and so on.

But no matter how I try – and I have tried a few ways – I cannot get the child-parent relation working. Both streams shows up in Questa (10.3e), but there is no apparent relation in between the two streams. (Unlike for example when you view a virtual sequence and its subsequences.) I’ve tried using the $add_relation system call and so.

My questions are:
– does anyone have any experience with this matter?
– does it matter that I use QuestaSim? Is this subject a vendor specific one?
– is this relation thing yet implemented at all in any of the simulators currently available for the public?

Thank you in advance.