UVM_ERROR D:/working_on_mac_debug/lib/uvm-1.1b/src/seq/uvm_sequencer_base.svh(709) @ 55: uvm_test_top.m_env.rst_agent.rst_seqr [SEQREQZMB] The task responsible for requesting a wait_for_grant on sequencer ‘uvm_test_top.m_env.rst_agent.rst_seqr’ for sequence ‘uvm_test_top.m_env.rst_agent.rst_seqr.reset_sequence’ has been killed, to avoid a deadlock the sequence will be removed from the arbitration queues
Hi, I am getting the above error ,can any one suggest reason and solution for this?

there are two sequences written for wishbone interface-> one is the initial sequence and other is end sequence
the task body codes for both are as below:
virtual task body();
uvm_info("wishbone initial sequence","came inside the wishbone initial sequence body",UVM_LOW); // Write to the Configuration register and enable transmission of frames uvm_do_with(req, { xt_n==WRITE; xt_addr==8’h00; xt_data==32’h1; } );
// Write to the Interrupt Mask register and enable all the interrupts
`uvm_do_with(req, { xt_n==WRITE; xt_addr==8’h10; xt_data==32’hFFFF_FFFF; } );
endtask //body

virtual task body();
uvm_info("wishbone ending sequence","came inside the wishbone ending sequence body",UVM_LOW); // Read the Configuration register 0 uvm_do_with(req, { xt_n==READ; xt_addr==8’h00; } );
// Read the Interrupt Pending register
uvm_do_with(req, { xt_n==READ; xt_addr==8'h08; } ); // Read the Interrupt Status register uvm_do_with(req, { xt_n==READ; xt_addr==8’h0C; } );
// Read the Interrupt Mask register
`uvm_do_with(req, { xt_n==READ; xt_addr==8’h10; } );
endtask // body

I have seen this when two sequences are running at the same time in the same agent. The standard way to solve this is to use a virtual sequencer. There is documentation out there on the topic.

In reply to gsulliva:

I have seen this when two sequences are running at the same time in the same agent. The standard way to solve this is to use a virtual sequencer. There is documentation out there on the topic.

Hi, I have had the same problem, would you please tell me which documentation can I refer to? many thanks

In reply to arathij:

In which combination you are running your sequences?