Scoreboard and the difference between actual transaction, predicted transaction, and expected transaction

What’s the difference between actual transaction, predicted transaction, and expected transaction?

Which of them should I compare in the scoreboard?

In reply to saritr:
You need to elaborate where you saw this terminology. The actual transaction is usually what a monitor produces when observing DUT behavior. The words predicted and expected may be interchangeable in meaning, but usually predicted involves some computation from a reference model, whereas expected is a broader term meaning what you think the correct result should be.

In reply to dave_59:

What’s the different between a refrence model to what I think the correct result should be?
Isn’t it similar?

In reply to saritr:
You need to provide the context where you saw these terms as I think predicted and expected may be interchangeable words. Predicted results may mean results that are specifically from a reference model, whereas Expected might include predicted results, plus other means of figuring out what the correct outputs should be. (like comparing from a “golden” output file)