Question regarding dropping objections once a stop_sequences is issued to the sequencer

I poll for a event to occur during the run phase in my test,

upon event getting triggered I stop the sequencer to stop executing the sequences and
restart the sequencer to execute the sequence again upon another event.

I see the following scenario occurring fine other than the objection raised by the sequences doesn’t get cleared on issuing stop_Sequences.So this means the test doesnt drop the objection (which was raised in the pre_body task).

This cause the test not to complete and test hangs in post_body task even after executing all the sequences in task body

So is there a way in which stop_sequences clear the objections raised against it.

No, stop_sequences() knows nothing about your objections.

Why have you put objections in your sequences? Any reason you can’t move them to your test, or maybe some other place in your control flow that you are not zapping with with stop_sequences?

Using stop_sequences() is also likely to cause other side effects.