Parameterized classes versus factory overrides

I have a 1000 different DUTs lets say - each of which needs a unique config class - called dut_x_config which derives from base_config.
I can now use this config class in the testbench in two ways:

  1. The testbench code refers to base_config everywhere and for each DUT I factory override dut_x_config from base_config in each DUT’s base test. I could also factory override from the command line and not actually have to do the factory override in the base_test (since I will have to do that 1000 times for the 1000 DUTs)

  2. Parameterized test which takes in the type of the config as a parameterized type. For this to work I definitely do have to create a top level test per config that then instantiates a test parameterized by the specific object type per DUT (1000 times).

Am I correct in my understanding - what are the other pros and cons of each? I am thinking option 2 gives me a failure during compile if there are type mismatches as opposed to option 1 which will be a run time error.


In reply to bsd:


The approach 1 sounds feasible and most possibly the driver also needs to be overridden.
