Implement 2 tlm_blocking_put ports in a class

I am implementing a class extended from uvm_component with 2 uvm_blocking_put_imp ports
As we know to implement a uvm_blocking_put port we need to define the put method in the class where imp port is declared

I can write a code with one imp port. But how can we write put implementation code for 2 imp ports?

This is my imp port declaration

  uvm_blocking_put_imp#(cbc_sequence_item,cbc_monitor) driver_imp;
  uvm_blocking_put_imp#(cbc_sequence_item,cbc_monitor) put_imp;

NB: To avoid any confusion, these 2 ports are connected to put ports in 2 different components

In reply to bachan21:

  uvm_blocking_put_port #(reg[31:0]) send1;
  uvm_blocking_put_port #(reg[15:0]) send2;
  uvm_blocking_put_port #(reg[63:0]) send3;

lass consumer extends uvm_component;
  uvm_blocking_put_imp_1 #(reg[7:0],consumer) recv1;
  uvm_blocking_put_imp_2 #(reg[15:0],consumer) recv2;
  uvm_blocking_put_imp_3 #(reg[3:0],consumer) recv3;
function new(input string inst="CONS",uvm_component c);,c);

You can take this as a reference.