How to use pre_read() callback class

I have a register RO Register1= 32’h00000004 that I should check at the begining of simulation (if I have an execute access the read value is zero)
I send a read transaction of it and I set a post_predict() callback class, but the checker of register failed since the callback
class is called after the checker.
Ibelieved that in Read phase, I should call the pre_read() callback class to be sure that it will be called before the checker
of register.
can you help me to have an example how to set this task pre_read() ?

best regards
this is my trial :

class hardwired_ip_reg_cbs extends ip_base_callback;

  bit check_enable;

  function new(string name = "hardwired_ip_reg_cbs");;

  endfunction: new
  virtual task pre_read (uvm_reg_item rw);
    if (rw.path == UVM_FRONTDOOR)
        foreach(rw.value[i]) rw.value[i] = 0;
  endtask : pre_read
  virtual function void post_predict(
    input uvm_reg_field  fld,
    input uvm_reg_data_t previous,
    inout uvm_reg_data_t value,
    input uvm_predict_e  kind,
    input uvm_path_e     path,
    input uvm_reg_map    map
    ral_block_ip  	 blk;
    string   name    = fld.get_name();
    uvm_reg  rg      = fld.get_parent();
    string   rg_name = rg.get_name();

	bit 	  hexecute_access;  
    $cast(blk, rg.get_parent());
    if (kind == UVM_PREDICT_READ) begin
      if(hexecute_access == 1) begin
        value = 0;
  endfunction: post_predict
endclass: hardwired_ip_reg_cbs