How to execute a sequence in a simple way?

I’m trying to execute a sequence in a very simple way.

`include "uvm_macros.svh"
 import uvm_pkg::*;

class mem_seq_item extends uvm_sequence_item;
  //Control Information
  rand bit [3:0] addr;
  rand bit       wr_en;
  rand bit       rd_en;
  //Payload Information 
  rand bit [7:0] wdata;
  //Analysis Information
       bit [7:0] rdata;
  //::TODO:: comment the any of the `uvm_field_* macro and observe the output of methods. i.e o/p of print(), copy(), compare() etc 
  //Utility and Field macros,
  function new(string name = "mem_seq_item");;
  //constaint, to generate any one among write and read
  constraint wr_rd_c { wr_en != rd_en; }; 

class mem_base_seq extends uvm_sequence#(mem_seq_item); 
  // Required macro for sequences automation 
  // Constructor 
  function new(string name="mem_base_seq");; 
  task pre_body(); 
    uvm_phase phase; 
      phase = starting_phase; 
    if (phase != null) begin 
      phase.raise_objection(this, get_type_name()); 
      `uvm_info(get_type_name(), "raise objection", UVM_MEDIUM) 
  endtask : pre_body 
  task post_body(); 
    uvm_phase phase; 
      phase = starting_phase; 
    if (phase != null) begin 
      phase.drop_objection(this, get_type_name()); 
      `uvm_info(get_type_name(), "drop objection", UVM_MEDIUM) 
  endtask : post_body 

//Simple TestBench to create and randomize sequence item

module seq_item_tb;
  mem_base_seq seq_item;
  initial begin
    //create method
    seq_item = mem_base_seq::type_id::create(); 
    //randomizing the seq_item
    //printing the seq_item

To see the just simple properties of sequence and sequence_item I implemented as above.
But I got nothing as the below

Name          Type          Size  Value 
mem_base_seq  mem_base_seq  -     @2512 
  req         object        -     <null>
  rsp         object        -     <null>
xmsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

I expected that print with sequence and sequence_item also.
Could you guide me how I can execute a sequence in a very simple way to see the properties ?

In reply to UVM_LOVE:

The body() of a sequence generates a sequence_item. This is done at run-time in coordination with the driver. If you don’t have a body() or driver, your sequence won’t actually do anything, as you have discovered.

The simplest solution would be to implement an empty driver, connect it to a sequencer extended from uvm_sequencer, and run the sequence. You will also need a body() that generates sequence_items in some manner.