Can the UVM Report Message be controlled based on interactive mode or regression mode?

Hi there,

Does anyone have idea how we can link the setting of UVM Report Message to the mode that we are running? For example, in the interactive/debug mode run, we would the Verbosity is DEBUG, but for regression mode, we would the Verbosity is LOW …


UVM provides two ways of controlling the verbosity:

  1. Verbosity command line switches
vsim testbench +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_HIGH
  1. Verbosity method calls

Both these ways don’t help your requirement to link the verbosity control to the simulation mode. UVM is simulation tool agnostic. It seems like, you might have to create a wrapper script to run your tests in interactive or non-interactive mode, and chose the verbosity accordingly. For regression mode, you can always make it a point to embed the appropriate verbosity in the regression script. For a single-run case, you can write a script, similar to one shown below.


#! /bin/csh -f
set var = $1
if ($1==interactive)
  vsim testbench +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_DEBUG
  vsim testbench +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_NONE