Calling predict() for registers

Hi All ,

While running uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq to verify default of registers in CSR there are certain registers whose actual default value isn’t the same as documented when the hw_reset_sequence runs .

Turns out that on asserting the system reset the default value is as per documented value but post reset de-assertion the design writes value in a few registers ( based on internal logic ) .

By the time I run my hw_reset_seq ( after System Configuration ) the default value of a few registers has changed .

So we do the following ::

(1) Skip such registers from hw_reset_seq using “NO_REG_TESTS” / “NO_REG_HW_RESET_TEST”

(2) Use explicit predict before starting the hw_rest_sequence ::

      rm_h.sub_block.regA.predict( 32'habcd ); //  where  32'habcd  is  value  written internally  post  reset

Prototype of function predict is as follows ::

   function bit predict (  uvm_reg_data_t value,
                           uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1,
                           uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT,
                           uvm_path_e path = UVM_FRONTDOOR,
                           uvm_reg_map map = null,
                           string fname = "",
                           int lineno = 0

So by default I use UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT in my test

However I wanted to know about the other 2 states of enum-type uvm_predict_e ( UVM_PREDICT_READ and UVM_PREDICT_WRITE ) .
When should the user pass them as 3rd argument to predict ?

The UVM Class Reference Manual continues ::

If kind is specified as UVM_PREDICT_READ, the value was observed in a read transaction on the specified address map or backdoor (if path is UVM_BACKDOOR). 
If kind is specified as UVM_PREDICT_WRITE, the value was observed in a write transaction on the specified address map or backdoor (if path is UVM_BACKDOOR). 
If kind is specified as UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, the value was computed and is updated as-is, without regard to any access policy. 
For example, the mirrored value of a read-only field is modified by this method if kind is specified as UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT.

I am not clear on the above explanation and seek simpler explanation for UVM_PREDICT_READ and UVM_PREDICT_WRITE