Backdoor access to memory issue

I have an issue related with backdoor access to memory i.e. path appears to be fine, also +acc visibility is turned on, however the access throws an error:

UVM_ERROR: Unable to read value from ‘dut_top.dut_wrapper.dut.module_path.memory_name.word_v[0]’

Either the path is incorrect, or you may not have PLI/ACC visibility to that object.

Memory has 512 elements 32-bit wide, I am trying to read one of it using uvm_hdl_read (I was using peek and backdoor_read_func before with the same result). I suppose the path is correct, because I checked it with uvm_hdl_check_path(‘dut_top.dut_wrapper.dut.module_path.memory_name.word_v’) method, which returns 1. I can also find memory on Memory List in Questa using this path and check content. Visibility option is +acc=cmnprstuv. I’ve already run out of ideas, so any help would be welcome.

In reply to Lukas102:

Without seeing more of your code or environment it’s going to be difficult to help you. Plus it’s possible this could be a usage or issue with your tool, and this Mentor sponsored public forum is not for discussing tool specific issues. I suggest that you may want to contact your tool vendor directly for support.