2 Virtual Sequences in same env

Is it possible to have in same env:

  1. Multiple Virtual Sequences ? I can always put everything into one virtual sequence, but I want to create 2 separate ones based on traffic type so that its easier to manage 2 smaller VS as compared to one giant VS.
  2. If yes can they manage their respective sequence on same sequencers ? for e.g.: VS0 has Seq0 and VS1 has Seq1.
    Both Seq0 and Seq1 run on same Seqr0.

Hi rkrathi,

It is truly possible to have multiple virtual sequences in the tests and not in the environment, because virtual sequence is not the structural part of your testbench.
You should use multiple virtual sequences extended from the base virtual sequence to generate constrained random or directed scenarios.
And obviously virtual sequences control the traffic to the corresponding sequencers the way you want to. It can be repeatative or sequential or parallel, the way you like to generate.
