Write assertion for read and write

Create a Single thread that will verify user must first write the data to RAM before reading. ‘There must be at least single write request (wr) before the arrival of the read request (rd)’.Evaluate on positive edge of the clock.

someone please tell is it write

initial A2:assert property(@(posedge clk) !rd until $rose(wr) ##[1:$] $rose(rd))
  $info("pass at %0t",$time);
  $error("fail at %0t",$time);

These are property expressions:
The until is a property expression, it cannnot be followed by a sequence

initial A2:assert property(@(posedge clk) !rd until $rose(wr)) //  ##[1:$] $rose(rd))
  $info("pass at %0t",$time); else  $error("fail at %0t",$time);
// But there still is an issue as it does not address the mem addr 

From my SVA book, /ch10/10.15/memory_data_integrity_check.sv

module memory_data_integrity_check (
    input bit write, // memory write
    input bit read,  // memory read
    input bit[31:0] wdata, // data written to memory
    output bit [31:0] rddata,  // ** NEW: data read from memory 
    input bit[31:0]  addr,  // memory address -- small for simulation 
    input bit reset_n, // active low reset
    input bit clk);   // clock 

    timeunit 1ns;   timeprecision 100ps;
    default clocking cb_clk @ (posedge clk);  endclocking 
    int mem_aarray[*]; // associative array (AA) to be used by property
    bit [31:0] raadata;  // data read from AA
    bit  mem_aarray_exists;  // exists at specified address
    assign mem_aarray_exists  = mem_aarray.exists(addr); 
    always_comb begin 
            raadata  = mem_aarray[addr]; 
            rddata= raadata;
    end //  
    always@ (posedge clk)
        if (reset_n==1'b0) mem_aarray.delete; // Clears AA elements
        else if (write) mem_aarray[addr]  = wdata; // store data
    // If a write, save addr into v_wraddr, save data write into v_wraadata
    // if at some time we have a read, and the address exists in the associative array 
    // and the address is the one used in a previous write then 
    // the IO eddata==what was previously written 
    property p_read_after_write;
        bit [31:0] v_wraadata, v_wraddr;
        (write, v_wraddr=addr, v_wraadata= wdata) |-> // if write, save data and addr
        (read && mem_aarray_exists && addr==v_wraddr) [->1] ##0  // @read and data there at same written addr
        //(read && mem_aarray.exists(addr) && addr==v_wraddr) [->1] |-> // @read and data there at same written addr
        rddata==v_wraadata;  // *** read data from IO is same as what was written 
    endproperty : p_read_after_write
    ap_read_after_write : assert property (p_read_after_write)
        $info("addr =%h, raadata=%h", $sampled(addr), $sampled(raadata)); else 
        $error("addr =%h, raadata=%h", $sampled(addr), $sampled(raadata)); 
    property p_read_before_write;
        not (read && !mem_aarray_exists); // never a read on an non written address
    endproperty : p_read_before_write
    ap_read_before_write : assert property (p_read_before_write);
endmodule : memory_data_integrity_check
// *** Testbench needs to be updated, it is not correct 
class c_xactn;
    rand bit write; // memory write
    rand bit read;  // memory read
    rand int wdata; // data written to memory
    rand bit[31:0] addr;  // memory address 
    constraint addr_range_cst { addr <= 4 ; wdata <=3; wdata >=0; }
    constraint no_wr_and_rd_cst { !(read && write);}
endclass : c_xactn
module top;
    timeunit 1ns;   timeprecision 100ps;
    bit write; // memory write
    bit read;  // memory read
    int wdata; // data written to memory
    int rddata; // data read from memory
    bit[31:0] addr;  // memory address 
    bit reset_n=1'b1; // active low reset
    bit clk=1'b1;   // clock
    c_xactn c1=new(); 
    memory_data_integrity_check mem_check1 (.*);

    initial forever #50 clk=!clk;

    always_ff @ (posedge clk) begin 
        if(!c1.randomize())  $error("c1 randomization failure"); 
        write <= c1.write; 
        read  <= c1.read; 
        wdata <= c1.wdata;  
        addr  <= c1.addr; 

    initial begin
        bit v_a, v_b, v_err;
        repeat (200) begin
          @(posedge clk);
          if (!randomize(v_a, v_b, v_err) with {
            v_a   dist {1'b1 := 1, 1'b0 := 1};
            v_b   dist {1'b1 := 1, 1'b0 := 2};
            v_err dist {1'b1 := 1, 1'b0 := 15};
          }) `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is a randomize error");
          a <= v_a;
          if(v_err==0) b<=v_b; else b<=!v_b; 
endmodule : top 

thank u so much for your reply,i just started learning assertions .
can u recommend me any source to learn assertions for beginner level.