Why the assertion happens but its pass count is zero in the coverage result?

Consider the below code. The

assert property

is hit and passed according to the output but its pass count is zero in the coverage result. Why?

module tb;
    reg Krdy;
    reg Drdy;
    reg EN;
    reg CLK;
    reg RSTn;

    property check_dout;
        @(posedge CLK) disable iff (~RSTn)
                    (EN & Krdy)
                        ((EN & Krdy) == 0)
                            ((EN & Krdy) == 0)
                            (EN & Drdy & ~Krdy)
                (EN [-> 1])
            ), $display("antecedent happened at time=%t", $time)
        |=> (1==1, $display("consequent happended at time=%t", $time));

    assert property (check_dout)
    else $error("Error at time=%t", $time);

    always #5 CLK = ~CLK;

    initial begin
        CLK = 0;
        RSTn = 1;
        EN = 1;
        @(posedge CLK);
        Krdy = 1;
        Drdy = 0;
        @(posedge CLK);
        Krdy = 0;
        Drdy = 1;
        @(posedge CLK);
        Drdy = 0;
        repeat (3) @(posedge CLK);


I don’t consider the questions as a tool-specific one. However, I prefer to state the commands I use in Questasim and the output I obtain.

vlog +cover MCVE.sv

``` verilog
vsim -c -coverage tb -do "run -all;coverage report -detail -assert"

``` verilog
# run -all
# antecedent happened at time=                  35
# consequent happended at time=                  45
# ** Note: $stop    : MCVE.sv(50)
#    Time: 55 ns  Iteration: 1  Instance: /tb
# Break in Module tb at MCVE.sv line 50
# Stopped at MCVE.sv line 50
# coverage report -detail -assert
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name                 File(Line)                   Failure      Pass 
#                                                   Count        Count
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# /tb/assert__check_dout
#                      MCVE.sv(32)                        0          0

If I invert the consequence of the property, i.e., 1!=1, things happen as expected.

# run -all
# antecedent happened at time=                  35
# ** Error: Error at time=                  45
#    Time: 45 ns Started: 15 ns  Scope: tb File: MCVE.sv Line: 33
# ** Note: $stop    : MCVE.sv(50)
#    Time: 55 ns  Iteration: 1  Instance: /tb
# Break in Module tb at MCVE.sv line 50
# Stopped at MCVE.sv line 50
# coverage report -detail -assert
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name                 File(Line)                   Failure      Pass 
#                                                   Count        Count
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# /tb/assert__check_dout
#                      MCVE.sv(32)                        1          0

In reply to Robert G:

It is definitely tool specific to enable assertion coverage.