In reply to szy0014:
I’ll give you reason why I avoid virtual sequencer.
You need to create virtual sequence for the virtual sequencer + sub sequences in virtual sequence have fixed sequencer on which they runs.
This means, one needs to make way around if she’s to have multiple instance of a agent component, and previously created sub-sequences cannot be used as sequencer for them is fixed.
Even if one wants to start a sequence on a sequencer, virtual sequence containing the sequence is needed thus increasing one more layer of sequence(virtual sequence).
Advantage of using only virtual sequence(and not virtual sequencer) is that one can contain group of sub-sequences in a higher layer called virtual sequence and start this virtual sequence on a ‘null’ sequencer.
- Optionally one can have all sequences(sub-sequences) called in test so as to avoid even virtual sequence.
- Benefit here is to group set sub-sequences in a virtual sequences if they are used frequently, so to avoid calling each sequence separately from test.