In reply to chr_sue:
Thanks for the reply. I tried the above set / get way but still its getting stuck while compiling. I think my way would not work as UVM_agent has a method which returns is_active. Rather I should have a config file . Now I have a config file i am setting
uvm_active_passing_enum active = UVM_PASSAIVE;
then in the
foreach (o_agt[jj] ) begin
$sformat(instance_name, “o_agt[%0d]”, jj);
m_my_agent_config = new();
uvm_config_db #(my_agent_config)::set(this,instance_name ,“m_my_agent_config”, m_my_agent_config);
//uvm_config_db #(uvm_bitstream_t)::set(this, “o_agt[0]”, “is_active”, UVM_PASSIVE);
o_agt[jj] = agent::type_id::create(instance_name, this);
Now in the how can I get the config db value ?