Which method is best to choose

Hi There,

In specification I have a signal called HBURST(is kind of opcode it can be increment 4, 8) that means if hburst is incr 4 then address must be in increment fashion based on hsize
for example
hburst = incr 4 and hsize is 2 bytes then the address fashion is 2, 4, 6, 8
hburst = incr 4 and hsize is4 bytes then the address fashion is 0, 4, 8, 12

for this feature I have two ideas to generate this fashion

  1. to write a constraint in the transaction class
rand int haddr[];
rand int hburst; // hburst must be incr 4 or 8
rand int hsize; // hsize must be 0: 1, 1:2, 2:4, bytes

constraint f {
if(hburst == incr4)
haddr.size() == 4;
haddr.size() == 8;
haddr[i] == haddr[i-1] + 2**hsize;
  1. one is implement the address based on transaction packet
//lets say transaction packet gives only hburst and hsize and start of haddr and the remaining body will be implemented in driver class
// the remaining part of the haddr will be generated in driver class and send to dut

I got two ideas to implement this feature in my school project, can anyone explain me which method is best and why?


In general the best thing to do is generating everything in a single call to randomize() for each transaction. This makes adding new constraints easier, more maintainable, and overridable. Do it this way unless you have a good reason not to.

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