There’s no need to use every feature in SystemVerilog, but two applications I have seen are
- Calling randomize() will not construct any class objects directly. This is most noticeable when randomizing the size of an array of class handles. pre_randomize() can be called to construct an array of class handles to some predetermined maximum size, and then randomize() will shrink the array based on the size of the random solution.
class A;
rand int m;
class B;
rand A arr[];
constraint arr_size { arr.size < 100;}
function void pre_randomize();
arr = new[100];
foreach(arr[i]) arr[i] = new();
- People use either pre_ or post_randomize to build a state machine by saving the value of a random value in a non-random state variable
class A;
rand bit [7:0] rvalue;
bit [7:0] svalue;
function void pre_randomize();
svalue = rvalue;
constraint never_repeat_same_value { rvalue != svalue; }
However a new feature of 1800-2012 is a const cast, which means treat the expression as if it were a constant value. So you can now write this constraint much simpler.
class A;
rand bit [7:0] rvalue;
constraint never_repeat_same_value { rvalue != const'(rvalue); }