In reply to dave_59:
I read those posts and they seem to argue against uvm_event as opposed to using a virtual sequence. I am not trying to do direct agent to agent communication with uvm_event/mailbox/tlm/…
I am using a virtual sequence to control different agents. But that does not mean I no longer need to communicate with running sequences. I have a TX and RX sequence. The virtual one starts both, then when it sees the RX one is finished it should let the TX one know that it should finish as well.
I can not get around the ‘complication’ that the TX one needs to finish when the RX one is done.
I am looking to the best way of communicating between the virtual sequence and the sequence it started. Maybe that is best asked in a separate question.
Coming back to the TLM fifo:
- why isnt it allowed to create a TLM fifo dynamically?
- can it be used on its own without using ports/exports?