Waiting for Interrupt trigger

Hi Forum,
In my IP’s env I wait for an interrupt to occur ::

virtual task pre_main_phase( uvm_phase phase );
  phase.raise_objection( this );
          forever @(posedge tc_vif_intf.tc_intr )
             // ISR Sequence  to clear TC interrupt
           forever @(posedge tc_vif_intf.map_intr )
              // ISR Sequence to clear Map interrupt
          phase.drop_objection( this );
  1. Is the objection raise and drop of any significance here ? ( due to join_none ) .
    The actual interrupt occurs due to a sequence started in main_phase() of the test.
    In the waveform I notice that the interrupt does occur later on ( when sequence has started sending txns. via main_phase() of the test ).
    However @(posedge tc_vif_intf.tc_intr ) / @(posedge tc_vif_intf.map_intr ) doesn’t unblock.

When I move the above code to main_phase() of env the event is triggered and ISR sequence executes.

  1. I was wondering why the ISR sequence doesn’t execute in pre_main_phase ?
    My initial thought is when phasing moves to test’s main_phase() , the env’s ( and all other component’s ) pre_main_phase() is killed essentially meaning that there is no event waiting for the interrupt signal

  2. Where should I ideally write this piece of code ? I can’t write in base_test as the test isn’t being reused at Sub-system level ( hence I chose in IP’s env which would be reused ). Should I write it in run_phase() of env ? So that if the sequence from test generates interrupt in pre_main_phase / main_phase / post_main_phase my ISR sequence would always execute



Try to move your code to uvm_component callback function:


Read about it in the description:
“Any threads spawned in this callback are not affected when the phase ends.”

Please update if it worked.

Thanks Michael for your inputs.

Any threads spawned in this callback are not affected when the phase ends.

The quote does answer a question that I always had ::
Why not simply write a code in a particular_phase instead of using phase_started / phase_ended.

Will surely try it and get back to you.

Not sure the answer is that simple…
There are many different considerations to things which we see as the final outcome.
UVM has it phases and sub-phases, and additionally the callback functions that we might need to add there some functionality.
Since many test’s components might have same sub-phases (in general it is not recommended to mix UVM run_phase with the run_phase sub-phases), it is a good idea to have a callback functions, that you know will be called at the start/end of phase.
Otherwise you will need to add logic to make all components to be synchronized at their start/end phases, it is not an easy task…