UVMREG write/read control of the reset signal (reset is stays unknown-X)

Thanks, Warnerrs - this gave me a clue.

I added my typical reset bus transaction but that did not get rid of the reset-X during register operations.

What I did try (and it worked) was to modify the reg2bus() method in the adapter. It had always bothered me that this method controlled the r_wn, addr, and data signals but nothing else. Since reset is part of my transaction, I added tr.rst_n = '1; (reset-off) to the method and then the register transactions worked as expected.

  virtual function uvm_sequence_item reg2bus (const ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw);
    trans1 tr = trans1::type_id::create("tr");
    // Set the transaction r_wn bit / addr / data
    tr.r_wn  = (rw.kind==UVM_WRITE) ? '0 : '1;  // Write(0) / Read(1)
    tr.addr  = rw.addr;
    tr.din   = rw.data;
    tr.rst_n = '1;  // ADDED THIS - RESET-OFF


The follow-on question, is this a proper technique? I suppose I could have added a soft constraint to the transaction code to keep reset off(??)

Is there a better way to handle the proper driving of reset, or is this what you (warnerrs) were talking about? Perhaps I am the only person who has had this problem(?)

Regards - Cliff