In reply to chr_sue:
In reply to adrianf0:
SV packages are always top to bottom. I guess your VIP is provoding a common package which is not RO. There you can make your settings regarding your system application.
Then you have to adopt your compile script with respect to your new structure. I do not see any problem.
I think we have a misunderstanding.
I assume that VIP packages, in view of reusability, should be testbench agnostic. Thus, they should not make any assumptions that testbench will provide an extra package with parameters. This information, should come through actual parameters syntax (ie.
my_interface #(.WIDTH_A(5), .WIDTH_B(3) inter;
Moreover, let’s imagine that in the testbench we would like to have 2 interfaces of the same type but differently parametrized. Solution with an extra package with parameters would not work in such case.