UVM transactions replay through file dump

I am facing a fairly unusual situation, hopefully somebody can help.

I have a working UVM testbench for a proprietary IP. This TB includes all the standard UVM methodology, including stimuli generation through sequences and virtual sequences.
Let’s imagine a customer is using said IP, and is having some issues. I would like to reproduce their test conditions to investigate. I cannot take the entirety of the customer’s simulation environment, nor can I share my entire TB with the customer.
My goal would be to provide the customer with one (or more) UVM monitor, designed to track changes on each interface of the IP and dump them to file. Then on my side I would have some sequence(s) especially designed to get stimuli from such files rather than generating them runtime.

What I would like to know is:
is there any UVM feature to dump data, or even entire transactions, to file, or would I have to use basic UVM_INFO with output redirected to file?

Also, if anyone has a better idea I am more than happy to listen :slight_smile:

There is nothing built-in to the UVM to do this. Tools do have ways of dumping transactions, but for replay, I suggest you dump it yourself in a way that can be easily read back by your sequence.

Thanks Dave, I thought as much but was hoping to be wrong