UVM Phase Jumping

In reply to Anamika Sharma:

Since you shouldn’t use them, it would be a waste of your time to run experiments on user-defined phases and/or phase jumping.

However, to answer your question:
There is no such type as uvm_schedule. A “schedule” is typically of type uvm_phase and defines the before/with/after relationship of a set of uvm_phase objects. If you wanted to add your own user-defined phases, you’d have to create a schedule and add the phases to it.

The uvm_domain type is an extension of uvm_phase that defines the set of phases/schedules that get assigned to any particular uvm_component.

That said, I had to look it up and, even having been involved in the design of domains and schedules, I’m not sure that explanation is going to help you. Please just don’t use them.