UVM Driver to Monitor communication in a single agent

In reply to mayurkubavat:

Thanks Mayur for your response, Just to get clarity on what you are trying to say,

  1. Should i count the number of bits/ticks of SCL and then read ??
    Because that’s only data that monitor can read.
  2. If its a Burst read or back to back read after address, how will monirot know whether its a single read or back2back ?? (So in this case we need to check for ACK is it?? )

I am familiar about the I2C protocol, but I need some clarity w.r.t its verification particularly in UVM

Coming to my second part of query in my first post, can you please let me know your views ??

While Reading SDA, what will the driver be driving ??
How do i drive ‘Z’ from driver while I’m Reading from Slave??

Thanks a lot for your time !!