Understanding event control and value sampling in systemverilog

I have a 2x1 mux as DUT which I am trying to verify using two concurrent processes as a learning exercise.

My two processes look like this:

initial begin : apply_tests
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) begin
            in0 <= i[0];
            in1 <= i[1];
            sel <= i[2];
            @(posedge clk);
initial begin : monitor_signals
	forever begin
        @(posedge clk);
	    correct_out = sel ? in1 : in0;
            if (correct_out != out) begin
                     // some $display and $error statement here

I see the following waveform:

I have the following questions:

  1. It seems, from the waveform that correct_out is trailing out by one cycle. Yet, the if block in the monitor_signals process is never triggered (I know that because the $display statements never get printed). Why is that?
  2. Secondly, if I move the (@posedge clk) after the if block in the second process, that seems to have no impact on the output waveform or the simulation output. Is it correct, then, to infer that positioning of event control statements within a procedural process block (e.g. initial, always etc.) do not matter? That is, regardless of the positioning of the event control statement, sampling of values will always happen at the same time?

Thanks in advance.