Tlm fifo vs imp port for collecting axi transactions

Is it ok to use imp port instead of tlm fifo for collecting transactions from axi monitors.

Is there any disadvantage of losing transactions if we use imp port instead of fifo. I’m doing the comparison of data immediately in the write task while using imp port so I don’t miss.

In my testbench I have one AXI master and 34 APB slaves. Its a bridge.

Hi, thanks for your kind response.

It helps.

I wanted to know if for AXI transactions can I just do with imp port in my Scoreboard which comes with a write method.

Or is there a case where I will definitely need fifo in my Scoreboard for axi transactions.?

The default way (or more popular)of handling the transactions is getting them on an imp port and write method and using it for expected and actual data.