Hi All,
I need to write a constraint for 32 bit address, to generate continuous 10 bits as 0 and remaining bits as 1.
I can do it two ways:
//No post_randomize use
class Example;
rand bit[31:0] num;
rand int start_bit;
constraint c0{ start_bit inside {[0:22]};}
constraint c2 {num[start_bit+:9] ==0;}
constraint c3 {foreach(num[i]) {
if (!(i inside {[start_bit:start_bit+9]}))
num[i] == 1;
//Use of post_randomize()
class Example;
rand bit[31:0] num;
rand int start_bit;
constraint c0{ start_bit inside {[0:22]};}
constraint c1 {foreach(num[i]) {
num[i] == 1;
function void post_randomize();
num[start_bit+:9] = 0;
Is one way better than the other or it does not matter? Thanks in advance for your input.
A simpler way to do the post_randomize code is declare only one variable as “rand”
class Example;
bit [31:0] num;
rand int start_bit;
constraint c0 {start_bit inside {[0:22]};}
function void post_randomize;
num = '1;
num[start_bit +: 9] = 0;
I suggest avoiding pre/post_randomize()
if possible. It is easier to manage all constraint dependencies that way.
If you are going to iterate of all bits of num
anyways, it would be simpler to write
constraint c0{ start_bit inside {[0:22]};}
constraint c3 {foreach(num[i])
if (i inside {[start_bit:start_bit+9]})
num[i] == 1;
num[i] == 0;
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I tried with a different approach:
class abc;
rand bit[31:0] addr;
rand bit[31:0] val;
constraint addr_c{
val inside {[1:21]};
addr == 10'b1111_1111_11 << val;
function void post_randomize();
addr = ~addr;
$display("value of array = %b val =%0p",addr, val);
endclass: abc
module tb;
abc abc_inst;
initial begin
abc_inst = new();