I have two signals X and Y.
X is a 10 bit signal
How to write an assertion to check X changes (toggles) atleast once before every positive edge of Y. There is no requirement on how many cycles before positive edge of Y , X should toggle.
I was thinking of a forward looking assertion of this type
property toggle_check;
@(posedge clk) disable iff (0)
$changed(x) [*1:$] ##1 $rose(y);
endproperty : toggle_check
However if this gets satisfied once and then post that we never have a toggle of X before $rose(y) then i think the assertion wont catch it. Am I right ?
Any better way/suggestions on how to write this assertion ?
Thanks in advance
Use always_ff to set a tag when X changes value.
Reset the tag when rose of Y.
$rose(Y) |-> tag
Got it
The reseting of tag will happen in NBA
tag <= 0
but the assertion will use the preponed value of tag (which would be !=0)
Req: X changes (toggles) atleast once before every positive edge of Y
$rose(Y) |-> tag
Y, tag values are the sampled values at the Preponed region.
// support logic
@(posedge clk) if($rose(Y)) tag <=0;
tag is 0 in NBA
What issues do you see?
Need to think about how to handle tag when rose of Y and change of X occur in the same cycle.
Do that in the support logic.
I dont see any issues. I just mentioned the rationale behind why your mentioned solution works.