Static properties and concurrent processes

How do concurrent processes update static properties in a UVM monitor

What static properties?

This seems like an interview question that you did not understand correctly or was not asked correctly.

Hello Dave thanks for responding. I apologize since I forgot to make a reference to the context. I was referring to section 8.9 - Static class properties. Since there is only one version of a static property of a class and is shared, I was wondering how the concurrent access to this variable is handled .

Thanks in advance for your response

There are many situations where multiple processes could write to the same variable–its lifetime is irrelevant. I can say that a static variable is easier to share amongst multiple processes.

SystemVerilog has a few features like semaphores and mailboxes that can help in these situations. UVM as few features that might help you avoid the need to simultaneously write to a shared variables.

Thanks again for your response. Indeed I was thinking about semaphores but I wanted to clarify if there was any built in mechanism in the System Verilog engine for such scenarios since the processing paradigm of HDL’s allow for concurrent processing.

Best regards