In reply to Mitu Raj:
The Sign extension is not take care by the simple << operator you are getting the extension because the result is signed as well, and this extension happens after the shift.
As far as I remember the arithmetic shift will take care of in case of signed operands.
module tb;
logic signed [3 : 0] a = 4'b1101;
logic signed [5 : 0] b, c;
// these 2 are identical
assign b = (a << 1);
// This is not working properly since is always considering the value as negative
assign c = signed'(a << 1);
initial begin
$display("a: %d or %b",a,a);
$display("b: %d or %b",b,b);
$display("c: %d or %b",c,c);
// Case A = -3
a: -3 or 1101
b: -6 or 111010
c: -6 or 111010
// Case A = 5
a: 5 or 0101
b: 10 or 001010
c: -6 or 111010
- The first statement does sign-extending to 6 bits first, and then shifting-
eg: 0101 (+5) → 000101 → 001010 (+10)
eg: 1010 (-6) → 111010 → 110100 (-12)
I do not think so how do you know the final sign if you do not perform the operation first. I believe the extension happens after. Regards