Sending data from monitor to sequence

In reply to nani9483:

Please try this.
In your monitor:

class monitor extends uvm_monitor;
  my_transaction req;
  uvm_event_pool ev_pool = uvm_event_pool::get_global_pool();
  task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    req = my_transaction::type_id::create("req");
    req.<data_members>; //assemble your transaction

    uvm_event ev = ev_pool.get("mon_ev");

In your sequence:

class my_sequence extends uvm_sequence #(my_transaction);
  uvm_event_pool ev_pool = uvm_event_pool::get_global_pool();
  task body();
    my_transaction req;
    req = my_transaction::type_id::create("req");
    uvm_event ev = ev_pool.get("mon_ev");
    $cast(req, ev.get_trigger_data()); 
1 Like

Hi chr_sue,

Thanks a lot for your quick response. I’ll try this code once the DUT is ready.
Can I use the same procedure to send data from passive monitor to active monitor via uvm_event_pool??

In reply to SV_UVM_Learner:

This works for any component you want to send data.

1 Like

Okay chr_sue,

Thanks a lot.

Hi chr_sue,

I tried this logic in my passive monitor and my sequence. In my passive monitor, I kept a display message after triggering the data, and I’m getting that display message. I tried the same logic in my sequence too. But my simulation is blocking, after getting the display message from my passive monitor. Please help me.

I’ve a doubt. Do we need to use the same transaction class handle in both monitor and sequence (in this case, it’s “req”), while using this event_pool ??

// --------------------- monitor run phase method ------------------------ //

task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
			txn = rx_txn ::type_id::create("txn");
                            txn.array = {10,20,30,40,50}; //assigning some dummy data to my transaction class, as DUT is not yet ready!
	 `uvm_info("RX_MON_DATA", $sformatf("DATA sending from RX MONITOR is : [%p] \n", txn.array),UVM_LOW) // data {10,20,30,40,50} is printing
            ev = ev_pool.get("mon_ev");
            //uvm_event ev = ev_pool.get("mon_ev");
              `uvm_info("TRIGGER_DATA", $sformatf("DATA triggered in  RX Monitor"),UVM_LOW) //This display is printing , after that simulation is getting blocked/hanged!! 

endtask : run_phase

// --------------------- sequence ------------------------ //

class rx_reset_seq extends rx_base_seq;
uvm_event_pool ev_pool = uvm_event_pool::get_global_pool();
uvm_event ev;


function new(string name = "rx_reset_seq");;

task body();
	req = rx_txn ::type_id::create("req");
            //uvm_event ev = ev_pool.get("mon_ev");
            ev = ev_pool.get("mon_ev");
            $cast(req, ev.get_trigger_data());

// How to print my data here ?? ie., how can I print my sent data here ?? ie., {10,20,30,40,50}
endtask : body


Hi chr_sue,
Please see my code, and help me, if I’m doing wrong …
Do we need to create a separate class for uvm_event by extending from uvm_object ?? or not necessary ??
Anticipating a favourable reply from you at the earliest.

In reply to SV_UVM_Learner:

Please try this code. It is only slidely modified:

// --------------------- monitor run phase method ------------------------ //
class driver extends uvm_driver #(txn);

  uvm_event_pool ev_pool = uvm_event_pool::get_global_pool();

task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    txn = rx_txn ::type_id::create("txn");
    txn.array = {10,20,30,40,50}; //assigning some dummy data to my transaction class, as DUT is not yet ready!

    `uvm_info("RX_MON_DATA", $sformatf("DATA sending from RX MONITOR is : [%p] \n", txn.array),UVM_LOW) // data {10,20,30,40,50} is printing
    uvm_event ev = ev_pool.get("mon_ev");  //creates the event "mon_event" 
    `uvm_info("TRIGGER_DATA", $sformatf("DATA triggered in RX Monitor"),UVM_LOW) //This display is printing , after that simulation is getting blocked/hanged!!

endtask : run_phase

// --------------------- sequence ------------------------ //

class rx_reset_seq extends rx_base_seq;
  uvm_event_pool ev_pool = uvm_event_pool::get_global_pool();
  uvm_event ev;


  function new(string name = "rx_reset_seq");;

task body();
  req = rx_txn ::type_id::create("req");
  //uvm_event ev = ev_pool.get("mon_ev");
  ev = ev_pool.get("mon_ev");
  $cast(req, ev.get_trigger_data());
  `uvm_info("DATA FROM MON", $sformatf("DATA received from RX MONITOR is : [%p] \n", req.array),UVM_LOW) 
endtask : body


Thanks a lot for your quick response.
Can we use different transaction class handles in monitor and sequence?? Like here, txn in monitor and req in sequence??

In reply to SV_UVM_Learner:

txn and req are only the names. We have to use the same types.

Hi chr_sue,

I’ve used the above code. Still the simulation is getting blocked. After getting the display message from passive monitor, simulation is getting blocked.

Is there any alternate method to pass data from my passive monitor my active agent’s sequence ?? Can we use TLM ports in this scenario ??

In reply to SV_UVM_Learner:

You should find out why the simulation is blocked. Did you receive the expected data in the sequence?

No, I haven’t received the expected data in my sequence.

In reply to SV_UVM_Learner:

Looks like you did not see the event. This might be the reason. Could you check for this, displaying the event in your waves window.

OK. I’ll check it and update you.

Is there any alternate method to pass data from my passive monitor my active agent’s sequence ?? Can we use TLM ports in this scenario ??

In reply to SV_UVM_Learner:

Of course you can use a port/export TLM mechanism. But this is not a good solution. Events and barriers are dedicated for synchronisation across several agents.

In reply to SV_UVM_Learner:

OK. I’ll check it and update you.
Is there any alternate method to pass data from my passive monitor my active agent’s sequence ?? Can we use TLM ports in this scenario ??

I can give you a working example for your problem. Please give me an email address.

Hi chr_sue,

Thanks a lot for your continuous support. I’ve achieved my task of sending data from my RX Passive monitor to TX sequence and also to TX Monitor by using uvm_event_pool.

In reply to SV_UVM_Learner:

can you please send your testbench , or code itself ?? . I also want to achieve same thing , but failed to understand , how to do it ?
YOUR testbench might be of great help

In reply to DV@Engineer :

Could you please explain what your problem is? I think you have seen my contributions above. This works.

In reply to SV_UVM_Learner:

Another solution:

In passive agent there is a monitor, which has analysis port.
So from your active agent, subscribe to to that analysis port and get the data from that port.

you can keep and analysis port reference in config db.