Repeat or for loop in assertion

Hi all,

I want to write an assertion with this flow:
A is going down for 100ns.
B toggle 20 times, only when A in low.
I need to check that the last edge of B happen at least 20ns before A go to high.

How can I catch the last edge?
Can I write a loop of 20 iterations?

Tried some options of loops, but nothing worked.


If you don’t have a clock for signals A and B, you can use tasks.
If you have clocks, then you can use SVA
I am showing 2 untested solutions, but they look OK

// A is going down for 100ns.
// B toggle 20 times, only when A in low.
// I need to check that the last edge of B happen at least 20ns before A go to high.
bit a, b;
task automatic toggle;
  $realtime b_now;
  int count;
    begin // check b
      forever begin // while (a==0)
        @(b) count++ ;

      @(posedge a) 
      am_tdiff: assert($realtime - b_now == 20ns);
      am_numb: assert(count==20);

   always @(negedge a) toggle(); 
   bit a, b, clk; 
   property p; 
    realtime v; 
    int count;
    @(posedge clk) ($fell(a), v=$realtime, count=0) |->
           (@(clk) (1, v=$realtime)[*1:$] intersect a[->1]) ##0
             $realtime - b_now == 20ns ##0 count==20;
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I tried to do it, but understand that the require is different a bit.
A is going down - don’t know for how long.
B should toggle 22 times
I need to check that from last edge of B there are at least 8ns before A will be high.

Tried to rewrite the code you gave, but still not work to me.

could you help me please?

Show your code and testbench
Explain the requirements in more details.

This is the code, I’m sure something wrong, but don’t know what.

the requires:
I’m implementing SPI protocol, once CS fall, the SCLK toggle 22 times and after CS rise again.
I want to check from last edge of the clock, CS is stable at least for 8ns.


module spi_assertios ();
 logic assert_clk = 0;
    always #1ns assert_clk = ~assert_clk;

 property wait_clock(); 
        realtime v,b; 
        int count;
        (1, v=$realtime, count=0) |->
               (@(posedge spi_qspi_vif.SCLK) (1, b=$realtime)[*1:$] intersect spi_qspi_vif.CS[->1]) ##0
                 $realtime - b == 8ns ##0 count==22;
                 @(negedge spi_qspi_vif.SCLK);

assert_Thss : assert property (@(posedge assert_clk) @(negedge spi_qspi_vif.CS) -> (wait_clock()) |-> )$display("Assertion assert_Thss Passed");
                 else $display("Assertion assert_Thss Failed"); 


who can please help me?

Show us a simple module with no interfaces. Generate 2 sets of stimulus: one that passes and one that should fail.