I want to write an assertion with this flow:
A is going down for 100ns.
B toggle 20 times, only when A in low.
I need to check that the last edge of B happen at least 20ns before A go to high.
How can I catch the last edge?
Can I write a loop of 20 iterations?
If you don’t have a clock for signals A and B, you can use tasks.
If you have clocks, then you can use SVA
I am showing 2 untested solutions, but they look OK
// A is going down for 100ns.
// B toggle 20 times, only when A in low.
// I need to check that the last edge of B happen at least 20ns before A go to high.
bit a, b;
task automatic toggle;
$realtime b_now;
int count;
begin // check b
forever begin // while (a==0)
@(b) count++ ;
@(posedge a)
am_tdiff: assert($realtime - b_now == 20ns);
am_numb: assert(count==20);
always @(negedge a) toggle();
bit a, b, clk;
property p;
realtime v;
int count;
@(posedge clk) ($fell(a), v=$realtime, count=0) |->
(@(clk) (1, v=$realtime)[*1:$] intersect a[->1]) ##0
$realtime - b_now == 20ns ##0 count==20;
I tried to do it, but understand that the require is different a bit.
A is going down - don’t know for how long.
B should toggle 22 times
I need to check that from last edge of B there are at least 8ns before A will be high.
Tried to rewrite the code you gave, but still not work to me.
This is the code, I’m sure something wrong, but don’t know what.
the requires:
I’m implementing SPI protocol, once CS fall, the SCLK toggle 22 times and after CS rise again.
I want to check from last edge of the clock, CS is stable at least for 8ns.