In reply to Mahesh K:
Think about statistics. Mathematically, a uniform distribution is a number you get as the number of random solutions go to infinity. So you will get all possible values as the number of randomizations increases.
Let us take the case where you just had a single bit
rand bit b;
And randomized it 10 times
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
So we have five 0’s and five 1’s – a perfect 50/50% distribution. But suppose we only had randomized it 4 times. We would have seen a 1/3 distribution. We are never guaranteed a 50/50 distribution, but it approaches that as we increase the number of randomizations.
When we use randc, it does guarantee a perfect distribution assuming we call randomize enough times to cover all possible solutions. With 8-bits you need to call randomize() 256 times. When you start using larger numbers, randc becomes impractical.