Property to handle 0 and non-zero delay

I am trying to simplify a property to make my sva shorter and more readable.
I simply want to assert an error if (‘signals 1’ != ‘signals 2’). I also have a parameter ‘DELAY’ which means I want to compare ‘signals 1’ to ‘signals 2’ after ‘DELAY’.
The following code is what I currently have. But I want to simplify it to use one property:

module my_sva 
        input [AWIDTH-1:0] a1,
        input [AWIDTH-1:0] a2,
        input [BWIDTH-1:0] b1,
        input [BWIDTH-1:0] b2,
        // ... Many more signal pairs with different and multi-dimensional widths
    property prop_delay (s1, s2);
        @(posedge clk)
        always ##DELAY s2 != $past(s1,DELAY) |-> error;
    property prop_no_delay (s1, s2);
        @(posedge clk)
        s1 != s2 |-> error;

    if (DELAY != 0)
    begin :
        assert property (prop_delay(a1,a2));
        assert property (prop_delay(b1,b2));
    end else begin
        assert property (prop_no_delay(a1,a2));
        assert property (prop_no_delay(b1,b2));

The problem is $past doesn’t accept DELAY=0, which is why I wrote the separate property.
With the two properties and the generate statement. A lot of code would end up repeated, which would be unreadable with hundreds of signal pairs.
Other solutions I’ve found look worse.
Is there a way to simplify this to one property that can use zero and non-zero delays?

Try this:

  property prop_delay (s1, s2);
      type(s1) lv; // local variable same type as s1
        @(posedge clk)
      (1,lv = s1) ##DELAY lv != s2 |-> error;

Just what I was looking for. I tried using a local variable but forgot I could declare its width this way.