Packed array declaration


1st way

 input data_t [NoApbSlaves-1:0] prdata_i;

Here data_t = logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]
therefore this will expand to

input  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] [NoApbSlaves-1:0] prdata_i;

2nd way:

input logic [NoApbSlaves-1:0] [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] prdata_i;

The signal i see in waveform is same after trying both types of declaration. Meaning the signal is seen as [33:0][511:0] prdata_i. I believe this should happen only with 2nd way of declaration.

Am i missing some understanding here?

How come first way of declaration is correct?

It would really help to put this into an example we can try without waveforms.

This works as expected for me

module top;
  parameter NoApbSlaves=4,AXI_DATA_WIDTH=8;
  typedef logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]data_t;
  data_t [NoApbSlaves-1:0] data_typed;
  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] [NoApbSlaves-1:0] data_1stway;
  logic [NoApbSlaves-1:0] [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_2ndway;
  int r = $urandom;
  initial begin
    data_typed = r;
    data_1stway = r;
    data_2ndway = r;
    $displayb("%p", data_typed);
    $displayb("%p", data_1stway);
    $displayb("%p", data_2ndway);
# '{01100101, 11001111, 11001101, 00100110}
# '{0110, 0101, 1100, 1111, 1100, 1101, 0010, 0110}
# '{01100101, 11001111, 11001101, 00100110}
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Thanks a ton for the response and example.
Yes. This is what i expected but my 1st ( input data_t [NoApbSlaves-1:0] prdata_i;) and 2nd (input logic [NoApbSlaves-1:0] [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] prdata_i;) are same.
Let me check.