Out of order in driver and scoreboard

In reply to maaroop:

In reply to chr_sue:
Hi Ben,
There are two ids , one is seq_id and transaction id. These id’s are generated by sequencer.
In scoreboard , should we compare transaction_id of each seq_item ?
should we add extra logic in seq_item , like id_count which increments when the task is called
And my last question is :when data from dut , i.e through virtual interface ,how to identify id from dut signals to compare with seq_item id ?
I would really appreciate if there is any code example for this?

If you are following the UVM Guidelines both IDs are generated automatically, i.e. you can identify any seq_item as a unique item. The method set_id_info(req) is doing this for you. This is the behavior you need to implement the correct functionality in your scoreboard