Need to get the ending address for 180 bytes of data transfer if the starting address is FFF0 and need to consider the AXI 4KB boundary. Bus width is 64 bit

From the question i got the starting address of the burst should be FFF0 and as the bus width is 64 bit which is 8 bytes. So AWSIZE will be 3 . AWLENGTH = 180/8, which is 22.5 but the maximum AWLENGTH is 15 only . How to resolve this issue.
I am using the below formulas for my calculation.

wrap_boundary = int(start_address/2^AWSIZE* (AWLENGTH+1))* 2^AWSIZE*(AWLENGTH+1);
Address_N = wrap_boundary +(2^AWSIZE*(AWLENGTH+1))

Can anyone help me for this.

Thanks & Regards,
Manikanta K.