hi, I hope to constraint the range in coverage cross again. So in coverage I write like this, but it won’t run after generate the transactions. Maybe it is too huge to constraint?
coverage cross_x_related_cg;
x_cp: coverponit dma_tr.x{
bins x_bin[16] = {[0:16'hffff]};
x_len_cp: coverponit dma_tr.x_len{
bins x_len_bin[16] = {[0:16'hffff]};
x__offset_cp: coverponit dma_tr.x_offset{
bins x_offset_bin[16] = {[0:16'hffff]};
x_x_len_x_offset_cross: cross x_cp, x_len_cp, x_offset_cp{
illegal_bins x_x_len_x_offset_illegal_bins = x_x_len_x_offset_cross with (x_offset_cp > (x_cp - x_cp));