In coverage ,can we have same signal assigned to different coverpoints?

Hi all,
In Coverage can we have same signal assigned to different coverpoints,
please correct me if am wrong.

for example

covergroup cg;
	option.per_instance = 1;
data_1 : coverpoint datain{
         bins small = {0:50};

data_2: coverpoint datain{
         bins high = {100:200};


In reply to rohit_kumar:
Correct, as long as you have given them two different coverpoint labels. In this particular case, the total coverage would be the same as if you had only one coverpoint with two bins.

In reply to dave_59:

Thank you Dave

In reply to dave_59:

Hai dave,

suppose if we have to write and read two individual signals then I need to cover four possible combinates of wr and rd.

how to write coverage on it ?

In reply to Vickyvinayk:

Not sure how your question relates to this thread. Perhaps you should start a new question explaining exactly what values need to be covered.