How to write SV assertion which checks a field in register remines unchanged after boot sequence?

Hi VA,

Assume we have a register in the DUT, that after a boot-sequence is configured to specific value.
We would like to check this value remines unchanged till the end of simulation.
How would you suggest to code a check/assertion for it without running the assertion each clock cycle (performance vise)?
Checking that the value is the same only in the $finish event of simulation is not enough, in-case it flipped few times during the simulation but eventually simulation ended with the register having exact value that was written to it in the boot-sequence.


As long as there are no potential glitches in the register, you could write

initial begin
   // wait here for boot sequence to complete
   //  [insert your code here]
  @path_to_register assert(0) else $error("register has changed");

But if you need to look at the sampled value of the register field, there is no getting around checking each clock cycle.


Hi Dave,

Thanks for the answer.
First time I see code example like that.

Just to make sure I got the idea:
Is an event which would be triggered when register.field will be modified?

@signal waits for signal to change its value.