How to use Virtual sequence containing different sequences running on different sequencers?

In reply to withankitgarg:

I was not considering right syntax just intended to give you a hint so write the code free handed.

Anyway you can get the detail for how to use the function in the reference manual.

static function void set(uvm_component cntxt,
string inst_name,
string field_name,
T value )

So these are the above fields that can be set and get respectively as per you wish, it is same you name anything as per your choice.

eg: Cookbook–>
// Inside the env containing the target sequencers:
function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
uvm_config_db #(a_sequencer)::set(null, “Sequencers”, “a_sqr”, a_agent.m_sequencer);
uvm_config_db #(b_sequencer)::set(null, “Sequencers”, “b_sqr”, b_agent.m_sequencer);
// Inside the virtual sequence base class:
a_sequencer A;
b_sequencer B;
// Get the sequencer handles back from the config_db
task body();
if(!uvm_config_db #(a_sequencer)::get(null, “Sequencers”, “a_sqr”, A)) begin
uvm_error("body", "a_sqr of type a_sequencer not found in the uvm_config_db") end if(!uvm_config_db #(b_sequencer)::get(null, "Sequencers", "b_sqr", B)) begin uvm_error(“body”, “b_sqr of type b_sequencer not found in the uvm_config_db”)
// …
