How to use Exists method with multidimensional associative array


Can anybody explain me how can i use Exists method with multidimensional associative array?

Thanks in advance.

In reply to cashah85:

SystemVerilog has arrays of arrays, not really multidimensional arrays. You need to check the dimensions one by one. You can do this with an if-tree, or use the short-circuit expression guards to prevent accessing non-existant elements.

module top;
   int aa[int][int];
   initial begin
      $display(aa.exists(1) && aa[1].exists(2 )); // 0 
      aa[1][2] = 3;
      $display(aa.exists(1) && aa[1].exists(2 )); // 1
      aa[3][4] = 5;  
      $display(aa.exists(3) && aa[3].exists(3 )); // 0 
      $display(aa.exists(3) && aa[3].exists(4 )); // 1

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,
But what if there is another dimension in the above associative array. Then how to use the exists function.
For example:

module top;
   int aa[int][int][int];
   initial begin
      aa[3][4][6] = 5;  
      $display(aa.exists(3) && aa[3].exists(4 ) && aa[3][4].exists(6 )); // this gives a compilation error " Error found while trying to resolve cross-module reference. token 'exists'."

The above gives compilation error because of aa[3][4].exists(6 ). Please advice what am I doing wrong.

Thanks in advance

In reply to aadgoyal11:

Your code works for me displaying ‘1’. (tried 4 different simulators)

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,

Yes, sorry I was trying to get the value (instead of key) using the exist function.

Your reply on Stack Overflow was quite helpful.
