How to pass a value from UVM to tb_top - value used to set virtual interfaces

Hi experts,

What I want to achieve:
I want to create variable number of streams in my testcase. In file maximum number of stream interfaces are always created and connected to DUT.
In UVM classes, only needed number of streams are created. Thus number of uvm_config_StreamIf::set calls are needed.
I want to pass value containing number of created streams from UVM class (uvm_test_top) to tb_top (which controls interface assignements to virtual interface fields in UVM classes).

What I have currently:
My current approach can be summarized with following snippet:

// Inside of uvm_test_top:
rand unsigned int num_streams;

// File
initial begin
  int num_streams;  
  // uvm_config_get call was here but it didn't work
  // Currently I fixed this value to maximum and I am stuck with unread factory overrides for not created streams
  num_streams = 64;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_streams; ++i) begin

initial begin

function void set_stream_ctrl_if(int index);
  string name;
  name = $sformatf("*.tb.env_stream[%0d].agent.*", index);
  case (index)
    0  : uvm_config_StreamIf::set(null, name, "vif", hw_top.stream_if_0);
    1  : uvm_config_StreamIf::set(null, name, "vif", hw_top.stream_if_1);
    // The rest of interfaces + default

// File hw_top:
StreamIf stream_if_0  (.clk(clk), .rstn(rst_n));
StreamIf stream_if_1  (.clk(clk), .rstn(rst_n));
// and the rest of interfaces + DUT

What is the issue with current approach
I have an issue with execution in correct order. When using uvm_config_db#(bit)::get the read was before uvm_test_top written value to database. I tried to use uvm_config_db#(bit)::wait_modified but this makes build process fail - build process advances to creation of drivers and monitors before any interface is set to override virtual interface.
I also searched for ways to access uvm_test_top from tb_top. I only found information that it is not possible.

What I need help with
I would like to know if it is possible to put that in correct order.

  • Write value to database (from uvm_test_top),
  • Read that value in tb_top,
  • Call uvm_config_db#(bit)::set functions,
  • Build all following classes under uvm_test_top.

If there is another (better) approach to this situation, please let me know.

If this description is not clear, please tell me what needs more details - I will try to fix it.
Thank you for your help (in advance)

I recommend that in tb_top, you put all of the interface handles into the uvm_config_db() with unique names targeting uvm_test_top. In your test top, you select the desired interfaces and assign them into the appropriate agent configuration objects.

module tb_top();

initial begin
  uvm_config_db#(StreamIF)::set(null, "uvm_test_top", "StreamIF0", hw_top.stream_if_0);
  uvm_config_db#(StreamIF)::set(null, "uvm_test_top", "StreamIF1", hw_top.stream_if_1);

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@cgales, thank you for your idea. That would actually work. However, I would be left with unused factory overrides and some warnings in check phase (I use check_config_usage())

In the meantime I have came up with an idea that worked.
I would like to ask wheter you see any potential risks with that approach.
I think it is quite a clean way to do this but I am open to feedback

On the figure you can see:
A. Default order of things when I tried to use uvm_config_int::get
B. Tries to add a delay to initial block with interface overrides logic
C. My solution to the problem

You can’t use hierarchical access in a SystemVerilog package, so you would likely have an issue trying to call a testbench function from your UVM code.